Ty Frantz

Posted on October 22nd, by SCPST

Bill Vogel

Posted on October 22nd, by SCPST

Bryan Kern

Posted on September 28th, by SCPST

20 Years with Style Crest
Joined Style Crest in 1995

Grew up with the business; son of the Style Crest founder

What types of accomplishments give you the most amount of pride at work?
I love when we can create great partnerships with great people that truly work. Whether these are partnerships with suppliers, customers, or internal associates. Seeing the pieces of a puzzle come together and truly fit, to everyone’s benefit, gives me a huge amount of pride.

Outside of work, what are your favorite activities?
I enjoy spending time with my wife and six children in their various sporting activities. I enjoy being outside doing virtually anything from work to play. I also have true passion for running.

Either work or play, you know you had a good day when…
I’m dead tired but don’t want the day to come to an end.

A successful encounter with … Read More »